The Department of Communities and local Government released the new Indices of Deprivation last week, which makes some interesting reading, of which the most astonishing is that the most deprived area in England is not in either the north nor a inner city, but is rather a small coastal community in Tendring District (Essex); a place somewhere generally associated with footballer pads and spray tans.
The village of Jaywick was built at the start of the last century as a retreat for Londoners wishing to get away from the city. Over time many of the properties built as holiday homes have being converted into permanent dwellings. Despite this many of the roads and services have seen little in the form of Investment while a increase of homes under the control of a few landlords has seen many of the properties deteriorate.
Jaywick has great potential, it has a excellent beach for one; it is close to London while the surrounding areas include some of the most prosperous in the country. The homes need love and attention but the potential for a small quirky resort of real character is there. The question is of how this could be achieved.
Only 8 years ago the village had the highest rate of property ownership in the area , now four fifths of all the housing stock is rented, with the landlords only regard making a quick buck leading to an almost gypsy like turnover of residents, and the lack of permanence that can create a community.
Perhaps one idea could be for a locally run housing association to purchase vacant properties, and to rent them to local people on secure and long term contracts. This would give people greater control over the properties and a sense of ownership which seems to be missing.
There is also a duty for Essex County Council to ensure the roads are fit for purpose, again what does it tell local residents when the local council cannot even be bothered looking after its roads.
There is a major caravan park on one side of the village which shows there is still some demand for holidays in the area and all it takes is for enterprising locals to buy and renovate some properties back for use as holiday chalets.
Whatever the outcome I hope this report illustrates to rural authorities that it is not just the inner cities that are prone to deprivation; what shocks me is that it takes such a report to bring this desperately needy area any attention.
England 2010 |
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